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Writer's pictureMamaJacobs

Well That Is A Wrap!

40 themes in 40 days came to a close. We were ready to wrap it up! It was a lot of work and we (and by we, I mean me, myself, and I) were ready for a break. We are still distance learning but the restrictions are starting to finally lift a bit. The weather is getting better every day and the girls are busy playing outdoors. I did switch things up a bit and tried my first theme week that I will post about shortly.

Our theme days were a fun ride and I am glad we filled this time with something kind of crazy and fun for the girls. The girls are at a great age for the safer at home order. At 6 and 8 they are old enough to work independently but young enough to still find theme days with Mom & Dad cool. Also as a bonus, I can still help them with their school work 😊 I have learned common core math and feel much more connected to what they are learning and how they learn. We are blessed that both our jobs enabled us to work from home with lots of flexibility that allowed us the time to pull this off. I know it would be next to impossible for many families to add theme day work on top of the regular grind.

I put together a quick summary of my take away thoughts on our experiences.

What I learned:

  1. I am a party supply hoarder!

  2. You can create hundreds of crafts by just having the following: scissors, construction paper, a set of paints, brushes, paper plates, glue, and a good set of markers.

  3. If you name food something fun, kids will eat anything.

  4. I am craftier than I thought.

  5. We really liked crafts where we used things around the house like paper plates, toilet paper rolls(empty ones of course), egg cartons, paper bags, and pipe cleaners the best.

  6. You can find anything you can possibly think of to print out on

  7. is an awesome site for resources! Teachers rock!

  8. I enjoyed homeschooling, I never imagined I would.

  9. I enjoy writing, even though I am not a great writer.

  10. I have an even deeper respect for the educators out there!

  11. I am a happier and better person when I have a creative outlet.

  12. I am so impressed with teachers and businesses out there that just creativity adapted to offer online resources, activities, and connections for the kids! Hats off!

  13. I am more grateful than ever for all of our blessings; Our health, our family, our home and resources

  14. We have great kids! They have been little troopers during this time. I am so proud of how easily they adapted and how they make the best of every day. The inspire me daily.

Positive Notes From Our Experience

  1. I didn't buy or order anything but food and a few printables on Etsy. So I was pleased I stuck to that promise.

  2. We always knew what day of the week it was! I know this sounds silly but I felt like I was in the movie Ground Hogs Day that first week in quarantine. This experiment gave us something to focus on and get out of bed for everyday.

  3. I only left the neighborhood to pick up the Waldo costumes, walks, a few drive by birthday parties and greetings. Our theme days really helped us stick to the safer at home order.

  4. I found a way to use up many of our party supplies and crafts that were just sitting there.

  5. I have made a dent in our craft cabinet and party supply cabinet. A few people had asked what it looks like, so here are our cabinets. Our craft cabinet, party cabinet, and costume cabinet. This is after we purged!

Our favorite days:


  • Minnie Monday- It was fun to revisit Minnie. I thought they had outgrown her but they loved Minnie Monday. The bow making was one of their favorite crafts.

  • Where is Waldo Wednesday- I was just shocked on how much stuff I was able to find for this day. The activities I found for this day were so much fun and the red and white food was a big favorite.

  • Wild Animal Wednesday- It had been raining for days and they just loved setting up their inside zoo. I was so impressed with their creativity with this one.

  • Witches and Wizards Wednesday- This was a fun one to set up and they just love the theme days where I dress up and get in character.

Elise: Fairy Friday, Favorite Friday (Pinkalicious), Minnie Monday, and Mermaid Monday

Avery: Time Travel Tuesday( Little House on the Prairie Day), Favorite Friday (Pinkalicious), Wild Animal Wednesday, and Witches & Wizards Wednesday

The ones that got away and I might do again in the future:

  1. Mystery Monday- They love Clue and secret codes

  2. Talent Show Tuesday- our own version of America's Got Talent

  3. Wizard of Oz Wednesday- We have the costumes of course!

  4. Thinking of the Earth Thursday- I had this one planned but it kept pouring

  5. Favorite Princess Friday- Belle is a favorite. She loves to read and I had some fun ideas for her day.

  6. Suess Saturday- In honor of the great Dr. Suess, we have so many books!

  7. Showman Sunday- We all love the greatest Showman, we have the costumes, music and circus theme ready for this day.

I will look back at this time with mixed emotions. Sadness for all the lives lost, hopelessness for the fear and suffering of so many, gratefulness for those who served on the front lines, and blessed to be healthy and have this time with family.

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May 16, 2020

I loved every day presented. Amy, accomplishments not mentioned:

1) You created memories that will last a lifetime for Avery and Elise.

2) You gave this grandmother a fantastic view of how the "sheltered in place" lifestyle was made greater than not having been sheltered.

3) You again made me so grateful that you are the mother, and a blessing to our family, especially my granddaughters. Grandma Mer

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